Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am the Walrus

Since I am insane and think I have more money than I really do, I bit the bullet today and drove down to Best Buy and bought a Playstation 3, along with The Beatles: Rock Band.

It's crazy. I've played Rock Band before, at a friend's place, and so I knew it was a good time. But this game brings it to a whole new level. Not only is it all Beatles music (thus making it consistently and unfailingly awesome), but there's harmonizing -- you can hook up three microphones and sing it like the Beatles really did. I don't have the mics to do it, but I could. Crazy.

It's also kind of fun because I know the songs well enough that I can do both guitar and vocals on Easy mode at the same time. Which I did. Because I want to be everybody except Ringo. (Sorry, Ringo. I still love you.)

I also picked up Assassin's Creed, because it was relatively cheap and I'd heard good things. I'll have to try that now, since my throat hurts too much from Rock Band to keep playing that. Anyway, for the Rock Band Beatles game, two thumbs up.


Maddie said...

can I be the bug man?

o-mom said...

The bug man? the egg man. She means the egg man- she has a rash.