Monday, September 08, 2008

2008 MINI Cooper S, Yo

Wow - it has been a long time since I've blogged! Since last I posted, the 2008 Olympics have come and gone, I took a couple of weeks off work to slack off, and I bought a new car.

Here, gentle readers, is my 2008 MINI Cooper S. Some say these cars are gay; I say they are freaking awesome.

I've never had so much fun driving a car in my life. These things are crazy. Nimble, fast, and no slouches when it comes to fuel economy and gadgets! A brother could do worse.


Ross said...

Dude, DEFINITELY not gay...kick ass. NICE.

Anonymous said...

It sure does look good in my driveway. I think you should keep it there. :)

Will said...

@Ross: couldn't agree more, and congratulations again on today's addition to your family!

@Dad: in your dreams. ;)

o-mom said...

Ross had a baby???

Maddie said...

Ya know, Christmas is coming... if you are trying to think of things for your lil sis... I do love silver.

Will said...

@Ems: LOL. ;)

@Mom: Yep, Ross and Nancy are, as we speak, hearing the pitter-patter of little Belmonts. :)