Thursday, July 26, 2007

Earth's Mightiest Linux Distros

Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated, hasn't it? Since my last post, I've started my sabbatical, bought a sweet new Apple computer set-up (which I'll blog about soon), learned that an ibuprofen-vicodin-melatonin-nap cocktail works great for killing migraines, and came across this in the latest issue of Marvel's The Mighty Avengers (#4):

Wait a minute. Is that...? Look a bit closer...

That's right, nerds! Lithuania's Plokstine Missile Base uses Ubuntu Linux. On the one hand, this is awesome publicity and just plain fun to see. On the other hand, with the speech balloon "Someone's hacked right into the system," maybe it's not such great publicity after all. ;)


Maddie said...

Oh, my poor big bro... you had a bad headache??? **hug**

Ross said...

Well of course they use Ubuntu. Duh.