Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"ummm...thanks mapquest"

The title of this post is a quote taken from my lovely girlfriend, Laura. I'm heading out to the quaint town of Galena, IL this weekend with her. Should be a nice relaxing time. One thing we weren't expecting, though, was for this trip to point out some glaring deficiencies in our beloved Mapquest. Have a look at the directions we were given:

Hopefully, you can read that. Now, I've had trouble with Mapquest in the past -- primarily when trying to get to my buddy Scott's parents' place -- but I've never seen this little gem before. As my dad said, "It might as well say, 'Drive 86 miles west, turn left where the barn used to be, then ask.'"

Oh, well. At least it'll be dark out, thus maximizing our chances of getting lost -- but minimizing the chances that anyone will see our shame!

On a completely different note, if you read Penny Arcade on a regular basis (and, forsooth, you should), you'll be familiar with Tycho's penchant for ending each post with a short phrase from whatever song he's listening to at the moment. I kind of like that, and thought I'd steal it for myself, nefarious evildoer that I am. So, here's my first: mouse over the text to get a tool tip explaining what song and artist the lyric is from. Enjoy!

send my love to you


Anonymous said...

Basically the reason it says there are .23 miles between the end of your route and your destination is because you are going to Bumble**** and they don't bother naming roads out there. You can see the place from the highway. If all else fails, park the car by some bushes and hike it through the field. Just be careful not to get nature on you.

Anonymous said...

Galena is not Bumble*^%$. Try using Google maps.

Will said...

Hey, I tried Google Maps. It says the hotel is literally in the middle of nowhere -- not even on a road, and certainly not on the Oldenburg Lane or wherever it's supposed to be. Seriously, this hotel may just be a joke that's being played on people. See how many fools they can trick into driving a couple hundred miles out for nothing. ;)

Anonymous said...

Christian is right, Galena is not Bumblef-ck, and the area we're going to is not particularly rural, the hotel is just in a new subdivision.

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks. How was Galena?

Anonymous said...

Mapquest likes to lie and fool you. I used mapquest to get to 2 different locations in NJ, and both times Mapquest led me to the same parking lot...not even close to either destination.

Beuk said...

Try using MapQuest to get to Shanghai... Someone please find me an online map (In English) of China!!!