He did a lot of songs from his newest album, Straight Outta Lynwood, which I expected, but he also kicked it old-school, with such past hits as Fat and Amish Paradise, and he included a medley of many of his songs, past and present.
The coolest thing, I thought, was that he was in-costume for virtually every song. While he sang Amish Paradise, he was decked out in black, hat, beard, and all. He dressed like Kurt Cobain did in the Smells Like Teen Spirit music video when he performed the classic Smells Like Nirvana, like Obi-Wan Kenobi for The Saga Begins, and like Luke Skywalker for Yoda. He even put on the old Michael Jackson fat suit (minus the make-up) for Fat. Crotch-grabbingly good. In between costumed numbers, video interviews were aired -- doctored interviews, in which Al pretends to interview celebrities, using clips of previously-recorded interviews done by others, to hilarious ends. He really tore K-Fed a new one, which was, obviously, awesome. You can see most (all?) of the interviews on YouTube.
For an encore, he busted out the ludicrous stream-of-consciousness Albuquerque, which was awesome. I was impressed with how Al sang for pretty much two hours straight, without missing a beat, only breaking for costume changes, and then used possibly his longest song as an encore. Plus, he made it even longer still, by padding the infamous doughnut scene ("You got any guacamole doughnuts??" "Nah, we're out of guacamole doughnuts!!!").
Words really can't express how awesome a concert this was. If you're an Al fan, and you get the chance to see him live, YOU DO IT. You won't be disappointed.
Here's a photo I took with my cell phone, to prove how awesome it was.

Pretty great, huh? Oh well. Just trust me. It was great. Thanks, sis, for the fantastic birthday present!