Sunday, January 21, 2007

From the Makers of Willie's Angry Chicken comes...

...Willie's Angry Beef!

I thought I had chicken, but I was wrong. So, I cut up a couple of steaks and threw it in my wok with a truckload of veggies. I have never used so many veggies for this recipe in my life. The photo really doesn't do it justice. I had to improvise with making more sauce to cover it all, since I felt too lazy to measure everything out. A splash of soy sauce here, a few squirts of chili sauce there, and another generous splash of chili oil...and it worked out very well! Go me!

And now I'm stuffed and have a couple of meals' worth of leftovers. Couple this with my having actually gotten to the gym today (gasp!), and I've had a pretty productive day!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Deviant septum's been a while, huh? Sorry about that. I've never been good at keeping up with stuff like this. Oh, well!

So, the most recent big news with me: I've been diagnosed with a deviated septum. Fun! For those of you not in the know, the septum is the part of your nose that separates your two nostrils. Sometimes it becomes deviated, such that it horns in on one or the other of your nostrils, making it tough to breathe through your nose. I had a nasal endoscopy done the other day, wherein a small camera mounted on a thin tube was threaded up my nose, into my sinuses, and down my throat, all of which felt about the same way it sounds. Thanks to the monitor that was in front of me, I also know it's one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.

Then, I got a CT ("cat") scan done today, which is kind of awesome, because now I know what my skull looks like. I think I can see my BRAIN. Check it.