Monday, October 31, 2005

Su Doku Fever!

I, like so many of you, have finally succumbed to Su Doku Fever. This pandemic is the weird-looking numbers game originating from Japan that now appears in newspapers, books, and websites everywhere.

For those few of you who have not yet been exposed to this virus, the game works like this:

You are confronted with a grid of eighty-one squares, with a certain number of squares populated by a number ranging from one to nine. When the puzzle is solved, each row, column, and three-by-three section of the grid will contain the numbers one through nine, with no duplicates. The difficulty of each game varies with the number of numbers you're given to start with, and with the placement of those numbers. It's like Minesweeper with numbers.

That's it. I've wasted God knows how much time on this lousy game already, and I don't show signs of stopping. If you're ready to give it a try yourself, I recommend the following sites:

Web Sudoku
The Times Online

First Post!

And with this post, I christen this blog the dork's demesne. Here I shall post any manner of geekishness I see fit. Neither video games, nor anime, nor computers, nor Dungeons and Dragons shall be beyond the purview of this webspace. I may even venture off into other, non-geekish matters, such as work or relationships, if the whim strikes me. If it should come to pass that I have enough proclamations to make about various subjects, I may even choose to split this into a multitude of blogs, such is my power.

Cast your eyes upon me, and tremble; for I am Dork.